you can’t win me back
you can’t find your happily-ever-after with me
because the person you love is dead
you can’t recapture the naïve happiness of a new relationship
you can’t live with the old me
because the person you love is dead
that person who said I love you
that person who got up to make you breakfast before you left for work
that person who would meet you at the airport and kiss you for far too long
that person you love is dead
just as I can’t go back to the old loves
the maybes
the could’ve beens
the were-they-the-ones
because they are all dead;
all of them,
you can’t turn me back into the one that you want to be with
you can’t change my mind
you can’t get me to love you again
because the person you love is dead
First published in Queen Mob's Teahouse (2019)